Friday, December 31, 2010

A little something extra

Because I am just silly...

There's a site started here for fans of the "choose your own adventure" novels and games.  I found my way there from the NaNoWriMo forums, and decided right away that I had too much happening right now to join.  After all, wasn't the idea of this whole ROW80 thing to keep my goals to something manageable?

And so, naturally, I signed up.  I don't expect that I'll have a completed CYOA novel by the end of January, but I do already have a fairly detailed outline (in the form of a tree-diagram) which shows the various choices and story-paths.  I've decided to set it in the world of The Listeners, so I suppose that working on it will sort of count as outlining... yeah, I thought not.  I'm just reaching now, aren't I?

However, this week will be swamped with moving-related stuff.  All my notes and folders are packed up in boxes where I can't work on them anyway, and I can probably get the bulk of the CYOA story roughed out on my laptop in this same week.  For example, on Thursday and Friday I have workmen coming into my new place; I have to be on the premises, but I'll be sitting around all day with nothing to do but write.  What was that?  Why don't I use the time to work on The Last Days of Lucanium?  Well, you see, that's because... oh, look!  Isn't that a demonic duck of some sort? *flees*

Wait - I nearly forgot.  I was going to have a go at the one-act play competition, deadline January 31st.  That's a good idea too, right?  Right?  Ugh, I think I missed my last reality check...

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