Wednesday, December 29, 2010

RoW80 - Round One Goals

It's nearly time to start!  But before the Monday morning starting-pistol is fired I need to set my goals.  So take a deep breath, a healthy dose of reality and just a pinch of optimism.  Count to ten, and decide that my goals for round one are threefold: writing, editing and outlining.

WRITING: Finishing the first draft of the novel I started during NaNo 2010: The Last Days of Lucanium.  This should take approximately 30,000 words, so I'm aiming for an average of three thousand words a week.

EDITING: Working on the novel I started during NaNo 2009: The History of Haplow House.  The first draft was finally completed in August, and since then I have avoided reading it over.  I want to come to the editing with a completely fresh view.  There are seventy scenes in the draft, making up thirteen chapters.  This averages out to one scene a day.

OUTLINING: The Listeners: a story which I have been mulling over for some time, but not yet properly outlined.  There will probably be 150 - 200 scenes in this story, so I'm aiming to outline two or three scenes a day.

Working at this pace, I would reach my goals in seventy days, leaving ten days allowance for emergencies, illness, delays, and general "life-getting-in-the-way-of-art-ness" that is bound to happen.  Such as, to take a random example, moving house on January 8th.  Things like that.  If I look like finishing early, I will start editing Lucanium.  Or maybe I'll just kick back and enjoy the feeling of achievement.

Click here to see more goals, set by other RoW80 participants.  I'm going to go finish packing...


  1. Good luck with your ROW80 goals! I'm noticing a trend of almost everyone listing editing among their goals - obviously we all like putting it off :)

  2. You've set clear and specific goals - the first step for success. Best of luck!

  3. Best of luck to you with your goals. And with the move (ugh!). And I think you're smart to put some distance between writing and editing. Coming with a fresh editing eye is so much more helpful than trying to edit something you've just finished.

  4. Great goals! My NaNoWriMo story is a tangled mess of words that needs serious Here's to a wonderful year of writing!


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