After a successful 50/90, I am having another go at ROW80. Very orthodox goals this time around, I plan to outline and draft a novel, with the edit being for next round.
The novel is called "Reset" (working title) and the outlining is scheduled for October after this plan:
October NaNo Prep 2011 Calendar. The first draft will be started in November. It would be nice to get the first 50,000 words finished by the end of that month, leaving the rest of the round to complete the novel. If I do the outlining properly, it should be easy to write - the story is a big one, if I can get into the flow of it.
I've missed being part of the ROW80 crowd. It will be nice to get back in the swing of daily writing. To help with that, I've re-joined the site. I hope to make (and keep) the "Albatross" badge, earned for 30 consecutive days. If I make the whole 80 days, I will be within 20 days of a "Dragon" badge!
Since I'm going to be away from home, and from an internet connection, for at least ten days in November, I'm trying out my phone as a way to enter the words on the site. It's a slow process, but I'm sure I'll get better with practice. I'm not sure if I can transfer those words from phone to computer, but once I get home I can always go to the site archives and retrieve what I've written.
Wow, it's like a plan. If you don't look too closely, I'm almost appear organised!
Yeah, right.