Saturday, October 30, 2010

Warming up the engine

Less than 48 hours to go, prep done and typing fingers straining at the leash.  Just to make things even harder for myself more interesting I've signed up for NaBloPoMo, which requires a blog post every day.  There are no restrictions on length, subject matter or quality, but you must post something every day throughout November.  I have decided to track my NaNo experience.

There are several things I want to keep an eye on this November:
  • how planning helps me this year, compared with no planning at all last year
  • what affects my writing speed, style and satisfaction (time of day, what I've eaten, weather, before or after meds taken, etc.)
  • if having a writing schedule helps me keep to other schedules, or if it interferes with them
  • the effect of this challenge on my physical and mental health

...and last, but not least...
  • can I suppress my inner editor?

Some days may see very short blog posts, but I will post something even if it's just "AAARGH!!" or "Bad day.  Goodnight".  Or, if it's a good writing day, "Can't talk.  Writing!"

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